Kao zajednički nakladnički projekt, Hrvatski muzej naivne umjetnosti i Institut za povijest umjetnosti objavili su zbornik radova s virtualnog simpozija Ivan Rabuzin i simbolika prirode u umjetnosti 20. i 21. stoljeća, održanog povodom 100. obljetnice umjetnikova rođenja.
Ivan Rabuzin (Ključ, kod Novog Marofa, 27. ožujka 1921. – Varaždin, 18. prosinca 2008.) jedan je od najvećih hrvatskih naivnih umjetnika. Međunarodno je poznat po slikama inspiriranim prirodom, odnosno pejzažem rodnog kraja, koje je transformirao u simboličke vizije kozmičke harmonije i božanskog reda. U specifičnoj stilizaciji i apstrahiranju oblika, odnosno svođenju sveukupne pojavnosti na geometrijske oblike, očituje se modernost njegova umjetničkog izraza te njegov opus pripada ne samo najboljim tekovinama naivne već i moderne umjetnosti.
Zbornik Ivan Rabuzin i simbolika prirode u umjetnosti 20. i 21. stoljeća sadrži trinaest tekstova petnaest autora: Ivane Mance Cipek, Ivane Bašičević Antić, Igora Loinjaka, Vinka Srhoja, Vesne Delić Gozze, Gorana Đurđevića i Suzane Marjanić, Petra Preloga, Snježane Pavičić, Mihaele Cik, Klare Macolić, Helene Kušenić, Svjetlane Sumpor te Vane Gović Marković i Ksenije Orelj. Tekstovi nude nova čitanja i interpretacije Rabuzinovih djela, tema, motiva, simbola i radnih procedura te istražuju umjetnikovu povezanost sa suvremenim kontekstom, drugim umjetnicima i povjesničarima umjetnosti.
Zbornik su uredili dr. sc. Svjetlana Sumpor, dr. sc. Ivana Mance Cipek i dr. sc. Petar Prelog, recenzije potpisuju dr. sc. Sandra Križić Roban i dr. sc. Dalibor Prančević, a grafički dizajn Mario Aničić. Zbornik je dvojezičan, s tekstovima na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku (prijevod na engleski: Graham McMaster), te je opremljen ilustracijama u boji.
Promocija zbornika održat će se u petak 27. listopada 2023. u 12 sati, u Hrvatskom muzeju naivne umjetnosti te će se tom prigodom zbornik moći kupiti po promotivnoj cijeni.
The volume of proceedings of the symposium Ivan Rabuzin and Nature Symbolism in the Art of the 20th and the 21st Century
– a new publication of the Croatian Museum of Naïve Art and the Institute of Art History
In a co-publishing project, the Croatian Museum of Naïve Art and the Institute of Art History are releasing a volume of proceedings of the virtual symposium Ivan Rabuzin and Nature Symbolism in the Art of the 20th and the 21st Century, held to mark the centenary of the artist’s birth.
Ivan Rabuzin (Ključ, by Novi Marof, March 27, 1921 – Varaždin, December 18, 2008) is one of the greatest Croatian naïve artists. He is known world-wide for his pictures inspired by nature, by the landscapes of his native region, which he transformed into symbolic visions of cosmic harmony and divine order. The modernity of his artistic idiom is manifested in the particular stylisation and in the abstract treatment of forms, in other words, the reduction of the overall phenomenal world to geometrical forms, confirming that his oeuvre has a rightful place not only in the best achievements of the Naïve, but in modern art per se.
The volume of proceedings Ivan Rabuzin and Nature Symbolism in the Art of the 20th and the 21st Century contains thirteen papers by fifteen writers: Ivana Mance Cipek, Ivana Bašičević Antić, Igor Loinjak, Vinko Srhoj, Vesna Delić Gozze, Goran Đurđević and Suzana Marjanić, Petar Prelog, Snježana Pavičić, Mihaela Cik, Klara Macolić, Helena Kušenić, Svjetlana Sumpor and co-authors Vana Gović Marković and Ksenija Orelj. The papers offer new readings and interpretations of Rabuzin’s works, his themes, motifs, symbols and working procedures. They explore the links of the artist with the contemporary context, with other artists and with art historians.
The volume has been edited by Dr Svjetlana Sumpor, Dr Ivana Mance Cipek and Dr Petar Prelog. The volume has been reviewed by Dr Sandra Križić Roban and Dr Dalibor Prančević, while Mario Aničić is responsible for the graphic design. The volume is bilingual, with texts in Croatian and English (English translation by Graham McMaster), and has illustrations in colour.
The launch of the book will be held on Friday, October 27, 2023 at 12 noon in the Croatian Museum of Naïve Art, when the volume will be on sale at a promotional price.